We process your order within two days of receiving it and sometimes even on the same day! If a weekend order is received, it will be processed and shipped the following business day, excepting holidays. Our delivery time ranges from 3-8 days.
Please try again after a moment. Please check your account's balance if the payment is still not accepted. If everything is as it should be, but you still cannot make the payment, please inform us about the issue at globwaretechnologies@gmail.com / info@stylebotique.com.
Using our online ordering system is simple. When you locate a product you need, you can add it to your cart, log in, and complete the order process. After the order is complete, you will receive an email with an order summary. In addition, the order summary will be saved to your account.
We accept all debit and credit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, and Rupay. All transactions are handled using a secure checkout system. Please ensure all your information is completed correctly to avoid any delays with your order.
To reset your password, follow the steps under "FORGOT PASSWORD." Please note that, for security reasons, we cannot email you your previous password.
Please rest assured that we take data protection seriously and that we will only share your information with third parties who adhere to applicable data protection laws. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.
Creating fashion that meets your needs is what we do.